Gu Jingzhou said gu old, is the most outstanding modern Chinese violet arenaceous potters, yixing purple clay artist, member of Chinese artists association, arts and crafts master of China, modern yixing has one of the seven major famous artists. 18 worship teacher training. Pot of antique late 30 s to Shanghai. In 1954 in yixing of shushan contented industry cooperative. Appointed by the government of jiangsu province for the 1956 technical guidance, DaiTu Xu Hantang, its Gao Haigeng, chang-hong li, shen hua, chicken English, Wu Qunxiang et al. Life three times to participate in the national arts and crafts congress, heavy influence in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan, southeast Asia, was praised as a "pot of art masters" at home and abroad, works for the museum, museum of cultural relics collection at home and abroad.
Recommended generally belongs to the literary arts, the pursuit of of primitive simplicity of refined taste and literati pursues is basically the last. Like the literati paintings of Chinese painting, poetry, books, paintings, printed. If with the literati art view are recommended, embodies another form of literati paintings. Recommended has the function of collection in the history of many famous pot of craftsmen, such as for spring, from jinzhou, DaBin, Dong Han, Chen Hongshou works has become a rare treasures, and collector is fighting for treasures. Show many make modern ceramic tea-pot ace craft master, his works more artistic. In 2014, Gu Jingzhou, zhu can, Jiang Rong, delay the mage, such as master of the recommended price is 300000 yuan, the least part quality are recommended even has reached millions of yuan.
In this paper, the recommended materials standards, exquisite workmanship, line is rich, attractive. Modelling concise and is varied, such as chocolate, exquisite and smooth texture, combined with perfect appearance, and wrapped slurry, give a person produce infinite reveries and lenovo. Small pot of flow on the tall and straight, to the mouth side and bend down down, for the whole line is harmony, annular handle bend properly, appreciates the powerful, body fine workmanship, based on the bionic form, increased his creation thought, will be set in a pot of painting, seal, increased the cultural and artistic connotation, also promoted art appreciation taste, with high appreciation and collection value.
Inline knows, having Gu Jingzhou pot to make free system of "light", and the pot, must to modelling, smooth lines, line surface conversion is rigorous, exquisite technique, crisp, but will reveal Gu Jingzhou pot spirit rhyme of dripping wet is delicate. Combined with the recommended has good heat preservation and the permeability, used to make tea, tea ChunFang, overnight is not spoiled. Use for a long time, in POTS can keep lingering fragrance, empty in POTS into the boiling water, can send out a collection of tea. Small pot of flow on the tall and straight, to the mouth side and bend down down, for the whole line is harmony, annular handle bend properly, appreciates the powerful, body fine workmanship, based on the bionic form, increased Gu Jingzhou creation thought, will be set in a pot of painting, seal, increased the cultural and artistic connotation, also promoted art appreciation taste, with high appreciation and collection value. So in the art market in recent years, a system of Gu Jingzhou recommended can be captured easily it is not for the millions of yuan, after all the goods has a price and art is priceless!
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